
Posts Tagged ‘Raynaud’

Ginkgo biloba (Tavonin) for Raynaud’s Phenomenon, should one give it a try?

25 March 2012 2 comments

Although some new treatments have become available for the treatment of Raynaud’s Phenomenon (whether primary or secondary), it remains a condition that is quite frequently encountered by a rheumatologist in the outpatient-clinic. A condition from which patients suffer quite a lot, even (or should one say typically) also in seasons other then wintertime. Treatment with Ilomedin – a prostacyclin analog- infusions are known to be of benefit in a number of severe cases, although the exact optimal dosing regimen (how many (series of) consecutive infusion treatment days) is unknown. It is also an expensive treatment, and the same holds true for a somewhat newer kid-on-the-block bosentan (named Tracleer in the Netherlands) which essentially is put forward in severe cases in systemic sclerosis with formations of pitting scars resulting from digital ulcera.

However, even for this more advanced and expensive treatment options success rates of treatment differ quite a lot (e.g. “bosentan is not effective in systemic sclerosis-related Raynaud’s Phenomenon without pre-existing digital ulcers” is concluded in this 2009 study), in other words the one-fits-all of alternatively optimal flowchart of medications for the succesfull treatment of severe Raynaud’s Phenomenon in the end still comes down to classic trial and error (with rationale of course). Read more…